Optimisation, Control and Learning Ensembles

for Safe Intelligent Cobots

Pantelis Sopasakis
Queen's University Belfast

About me


  • PhD, Control Theory, NTU Athens
  • ITN Fellowship, HMGU, Munich
  • MSc, Applied Math., NTU Athens
  • Dipl End, Chem. Eng., NTU Athens

Six years postdoc experience

  • Luleå Technical Uni., Sweden
  • University of Cyprus
  • KU Leuven, Belgium
  • IMT Lucca, Italy
Research: Stochastic model predictive control and fast numerical optimisation for autonomous systems
Challenges & Objectives
Safe Intelligent Cobots





Learning-based Control
Risk-averse Model Predictive Control

Safe Learning-based Control

Model Predictive Control

J.B. Rawlings, D.Q. Mayne & M. Diehl, Model Predictive Control: Theory, Computation, and Design, Nob Hill Pub., 2009.

Certainty-Equivalent Control

J.B. Rawlings, D.Q. Mayne & M. Diehl, Model Predictive Control: Theory, Computation, and Design, Nob Hill Pub., 2009.
J.B. Rawlings, D.Q. Mayne & M. Diehl, Model Predictive Control: Theory, Computation, and Design, Nob Hill Pub., 2009.

Worst-case Control

worst case control
J.B. Rawlings, D.Q. Mayne & M. Diehl, Model Predictive Control: Theory, Computation, and Design, Nob Hill Pub., 2009.
worst case control
Worst-case MPC:
$$ \operatorname*{Minimise}_{u_0,\ldots,u_{N-1}} \operatorname*{max}_{(w_0,\ldots, w_{N-1})\in W} \left[ \ell_N(x_N) + \sum_{t=0}^{N-1} \ell_t(x_t, u_t, w_t)\right] $$
subject to system dynamics, $x_{t+1}=f(x_t, u_t, w_t)$, and constraints.
J.B. Rawlings, D.Q. Mayne & M. Diehl, Model Predictive Control: Theory, Computation, and Design, Nob Hill Pub., 2009.
J.B. Rawlings, D.Q. Mayne & M. Diehl, Model Predictive Control: Theory, Computation, and Design, Nob Hill Pub., 2009.

Stochastic Control

A. Mesbah, "Stochastic model predictive control: An overview and perspectives for future research," IEEE CSM, 2016.
Stochastic MPC:
$$ \operatorname*{Minimise}_{u_0,\ldots,u_{N-1}} \mathbb{E}_{w_0,\ldots, w_{N-1}} \left[ \ell_N(x_N) + \sum_{t=0}^{N-1} \ell_t(x_t, u_t, w_t)\right] $$
subject to the system dynamics and constraints.
A. Mesbah, "Stochastic model predictive control: An overview and perspectives for future research," IEEE CSM, 2016.
A. Mesbah, "Stochastic model predictive control: An overview and perspectives for future research," IEEE CSM, 2016.
A. Mesbah, "Stochastic model predictive control: An overview and perspectives for future research," IEEE CSM, 2016.

Uncertainty in uncertainty

P. Sopasakis, M. Schuurmans and P. Patrinos, "Safe learning-based risk-averse MPC," IEEE Conf. Decision and Control, Nice, 2019.

Measuring Risk

stochastic case worst case
stochastic case risk case worst case
P. Sopasakis, D. Herceg, A. Bemporad and P. Patrinos, "Risk-averse model predictive control," Automatica 100, pp. 281-288, Feb. 2019.

Measuring Risk

stochastic case risk case worst case
A risk measure maps a random cost, $Z$, to a value, $\rho(Z)$, with
$$ \mathbb{E}[Z] {}\leq{} \rho(Z) {}\leq{} \max[Z] $$
Well-behaving (coherent) risk measures:
$$ \rho(Z) {}={} \max_{\mu\in\mathcal{A}}\mathbb{E}_\mu[Z] $$
where $\mathcal{A}$ (closed and convex) is called the ambiguity set of $\rho$.

Trivial risk measures

Let $\Omega$ be a finite sample space, $\Omega = \{\omega_1,\ldots, \omega_K\}$, which is equipped with a probability vector $p \in \mathbb{R}^K$ (suppose $p_i>0$).
The expectation and the maximum are coherent risk measures.
The ambiguity set of the exectation is the singleton $\{p\}$ and the ambiguity set of the maximum is the probability simplex,
$$D_K = \{\mu \in \mathbb{R}^K {}:{} \sum_i \mu_i = 1, 0 \leq \mu_i\}$$

Average value-at-risk

A popular risk measure is the average value-at-risk with parameter $\alpha\in(0,1]$ given by
$$ \mathrm{AV@R}_{\alpha}[Z] = \inf_{t\in\mathbb{R}} t + \tfrac{1}{\alpha}\mathbb{E}\max\{0, Z-t\} $$
The ambiguity set of $\mathrm{AV@R}_{\alpha}$ is the set
$$ \mathcal{A}_\alpha = \{\mu \in D_K {}:{} \mu_i \leq \tfrac{1}{\alpha}p_i \} $$
P. Sopasakis, D. Herceg, A. Bemporad and P. Patrinos, "Risk-averse model predictive control," Automatica 100, pp. 281-288, Feb. 2019.

Risk-averse MPC

First attempt:
$$ \operatorname*{Minimise}_{u_0,\ldots, u_{N-1}}\rho_{w_0,\ldots, w_{N-1}} \bigg[ \ell_N(x_N) {}+{} \sum_{t=0}^{N-1} \ell_t(x_t,u_t, w_t) \bigg] $$
subject to the system dynamics and constraints.
  • $\rho_{w_0,\ldots, w_{N-1}}$ does not measure how the uncertainty propagates
  • Dynamic programming does not apply
  • We cannot derive stability conditions
P. Sopasakis, D. Herceg, A. Bemporad and P. Patrinos, "Risk-averse model predictive control," Automatica 100, pp. 281-288, Feb. 2019.

Risk-averse MPC

Proper multistage formulation:
$$ \begin{align} \operatorname*{Minimise}_{u_0,\ldots, u_{N-1}}\ &\rho_{w_0} \Big[ \ell_0(x_0,u_0, w_0)\\ &{}+{} \rho_{w_1\mid w_0}\left[\ell_1(x_1,u_1, w_1) {}+{} \ldots{} \right] \Big] \end{align} $$
subject to the system dynamics and constraints.
P. Sopasakis, D. Herceg, A. Bemporad and P. Patrinos, "Risk-averse model predictive control," Automatica 100, pp. 281-288, Feb. 2019.

Risk-averse MPC: Consequences

A novel safe control framework which becomes increasingly less conservative as more data become available.
It allows to create an unexplored synergy of control and learning!
P. Sopasakis, M. Schuurmans and P. Patrinos, "Safe learning-based risk-averse MPC for Markovian systems," IEEE CDC, 2019 (TBS).
Numerical Optimisation
Collision Avoidance
E. Small, P. Sopasakis, et al., "Aerial navigation in obstructed environments with embedded nonlinear model predictive control," IEEE ECC, 2019.

Collision avoidance

The dynamics is always nonlinear
The constraints are always nonconvex:
Nonconvex Optimisation Problems: $\operatorname*{Minimise}_{u\in U} f(u)$
A.S. Sathya, P Sopasakis, et al. et al., "Embedded nonlinear model predictive control for obstacle avoidance using PANOC," IEEE ECC, 2018.

Embedded Nonconvex Optimisation

SQP and IP involve complex steps (QP solution, linear systems)
They are not suitable for embedded applications
Projected gradient (PG) is simple,
$u^{\nu+1} = $ $T_\gamma(u^\nu)$ $:= \Pi_{U}(u^\nu - \gamma \nabla f(u^\nu))$
but very slow!
L. Stella, A. Themelis, P. Sopasakis and P. Patrinos, et al., "A simple and efficient algorithm for nonlinear model predictive control," IEEE CDC, 2017.
A.S Sathya, P Sopasakis, et al. et al., "Embedded nonlinear model predictive control for obstacle avoidance using PANOC," IEEE ECC, 2018.

Embedded Nonconvex Optimisation

IDEA #1. An averaged algorithm that takes convex combinations of safe (PG) and fast (Quasi-Newtonian) steps!
$u^{\nu+1} = u^{\nu} + \tau_\nu$ $d_{\mathrm{LBFGS}}^{\nu}$ ${}+{} (1-\tau_\nu)[$$T_\gamma(u^\nu) - u^\nu$$]$
IDEA #2. A globalisation of the above algorithm using a real-valued continuous merit function - the forward-backward envelope.
L. Stella, A. Themelis, P. Sopasakis and P. Patrinos, et al., "A simple and efficient algorithm for nonlinear model predictive control," IEEE CDC, 2017.
A.S Sathya, P Sopasakis, et al., "Embedded nonlinear model predictive control for obstacle avoidance using PANOC," IEEE ECC, 2018.

Two Orders of Magnitude Faster!

A.S. Sathya, P Sopasakis, et al. et al., "Embedded nonlinear model predictive control for obstacle avoidance using PANOC," IEEE ECC, 2018.

Large-scale GPU-accelerated optimisation

P. Sopasakis, A.K. Sampathirao, A. Bemporad and P. Patrinos, "Uncertainty-aware demand management of water distribution networks in deregulated energy markets," Environmental Modelling & Software, 2018.
A.K. Sampathirao, P. Sopasakis, A. Bemporad and P. Patrinos, "GPU-accelerated stochastic predictive control of drinking water networks," IEEE Control Systems Technology 26(2):551–562, 2018.
A.K. Sampathirao, P. Sopasakis, A. Bemporad and P. Patrinos, "Distributed solution of stochastic optimal control problems on GPUs," 54 th IEEE Conf. Decision and Control, Dec 2015, Osaka, Japan.
My Research Vision

Safe Intelligent Cobotics

Educational value

textbook textbook
Elegant OCL framework
Textbooks for engineers and computer scientists on embedded and distributed optimisation and learning-based control for safe cobotics

Research Team

Funding agencies...


PhD student PhD student
Two PhD students
One postdoc

Research Agenda



Thank you for your attention

mr_roboto flipped